The mission of Brooklyn Collegiate Preparatory High School is to facilitate learning so that all students can master the challenges of a rigorous curriculum that will guide them to college entrance and success. We are committed to establishing a strong school community of families, teachers, and staff in support of our core mission. Our students will learn to think critically, communicate effectively, and be open to new experiences and ideas as they become lifelong learners.
Brooklyn Collegiate Preparatory High School is designed to promote academic excellence that directly leads to college entrance and success. The school draws on a highly trained cadre of teachers, staff, curriculum, guidance and assessment resources of the New York City Department of Education. Employing a powerful combination of dedicated, high caliber leadership, a rigorous, accelerated college prep curriculum, an emphasis on positive youth development, and a personalized education program. Brooklyn Collegiate fosters the high achievement and healthy growth and development of every student.
The school is uniquely structured to educate, support and guide students through high school graduation, building the bridges from the earlier grades that ultimately lead to college success. Students are prepared to meet the high standards required for college admission, as well as meeting or exceeding New York State learning standards and proficiency requirements.
A safe, respectful and welcoming school environment is a hallmark of Brooklyn Collegiate and the result of the successful cooperation of faculty, staff and students. Family and the community also play a vitally important role in education of our students. The active participation of parents and guardians is a critical component of our students’ academic success and emotional well-being.
See Brooklyn Collegiate's current brochure below.